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Squeals on Wheels, or Squeals as it is more often known, is a happy and friendly group for parents and carers with babies or toddlers. It happens each Monday morning in school term-time from 9.15am-11am, run by a team from the church who have many years of experience between them. It is a great place for parents and carers to meet people in a similar situation to them and to make friends and allow the toddlers to make friends too. Most of the session is unstructured play time with a craft and puzzle tables, a baby area and lots of toys available, then there is organised singing and dancing and a Bible story told at the end of each session, with birthdays remembered and instruments to play. It is very much enjoyed by children and carers – you can bring children along from when they are very little until when they go off to nursery. There is a small fee for each session. Please contact the church office for more details, there may be a waiting list at certain times as we have to limit numbers, especially in view of COVID-19.